sobota 5. apríla 2014


One of the beautiful sunny days last week I attended a conference Swedish innovations and high street fashion, partially organised by my uni at the Centre for Architecture and Design, which shares premises with Moderna Museet at Skeppsholmen. There were loads of inspirational thoughts in the speeches, my favourite speaker was Jörgen Andersson, who worked 25 years for H&M and who was the creator of the guest designer colaborations concept (firts one with Karl Lagerfeld in 2004) who said: "Reach the people that count instead of counting the people you reach". Nice!

I love them blue pants, although I do realise I look like a hobbit in them, don´t you think? But they are just so comfy and soft, if I could, I´d wear them every day. Do you also own such pieces?


Minulý týždeň som bola na konferencii, ktorú čiatočne organizovala aj môj odbor, s názvom Swedish innovations and high street fashion, v Centre for Architecture and Design. Centrum sídli v tých priestoroch, kde aj Moderna Museet na Skeppsholmene. Odoznelo veľa inšpiratívneho, ale pre mňa najviac myšlienka Jörgena Anderssona: "Vytvorte dosah u tých, ktorí sa rátajú, namiesto rátania tých, na ktorých ste dosiahli. Jörgen Andersson pracoval 25 rokov pre marketing H&M a bol tvorcom konceptu dizajnérkych kolaborácií (prvá bola s Karlom Lagerfeldom v 2004).

Tieto modré gate milujem, aj keď mi je jasné, že v nich vyzerám ako 130cm-ová, žejo. Ale sú super pohodlné a mäkké, keby som mohla, nosím ich stále. Máte aj vy také niečo? :)


me&m silk & chiffon panel top
COS cotton pants, leather bag & wooly scarf
Roxy sunnies

Coordinates / Súradnice: 59° 19′ 33″ N, 18° 5′ 3″ E

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