I wrote about Millesgården previously already (here), but this time I was invited to the opening of Millesgården's new exhibition: Man Ray, New York - Paris - Hollywood. This exhibition is on until the 8th of June, so if you would visit Stockholm sometime this spring, I definitely suggest going to see the it and maybe stop by at Millesgården's lovely bistro with marble tables for a fika and enjoy the beautiful view, or just have a walk around in the area, which will be amazing in the spring, however when we went there, it was snowing! The snow melted just the next day though.
The current exhibition is a retrospective view on Man Ray's work and portrays the multifaceted nature of his artistic practice. What I appreciated the most, was the volume of exhibits within the size of the gallery, so you can get a really good overview of the diffeerent techniques Man Ray was using (e.g. sculpture, photography, painting and drawing, experimental film), placed within a time period and a space, where Mar Ray was creating at the moment.
If you're interested in exploring Man Ray's work in further depth, this exhibition description here may serve the purpose.
Have a beautiful day!
O Millesgården som už raz písala tu, ale tentokrát som bola pozvaná na otvorenie novej výstavy Man Ray, New York, Paris, Hollywood (ktorá bude trvať do ôsmeho júna), takže ak náhodou budete v tomto čase v Štokholme, určite sa choďte pozrieť na výstavu a zastavte sa aj v bistre na fiku. Bistro je presklenou súčasťou veľkej záhrady, majú tam krásne mramorové stoly. Počas úvodného dňa výstavy snežilo, takže celý priestor mal vonku skvelú pokojnú atmosféru, a ten čerstvý sneh vŕzgal pod nohami. A na druhý deň sa roztopil, haha.
Súčasná výstava je retrospektívou celej tvorby Man Raya a predstavuje prierez jeho všestrannej tvorby - od sochy, maľby a kresby až po experimentálny film. Mne sa veľmi páčilo využitie relatívne malého priestoru galérie a efektívnu inštaláciu, chronologicky odrážajúcu priebeh tvorby od začiatkov v New Yorku, cez Paríž až do Hollywoodu.
Ak by vás Man Ray zaujal a chceli by ste sa dozvedieť viac, tu na stránke Millesgården je o ňom a o výstave pekný prehľad.
Majte krásny deň!
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Installation: Obstruction, 1920/1975 |
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The Gift/Le Cadeau, 1921/1963 |
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Left: Indestructible Object/Objet indestructible, 1928/1959 |
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Added to my wishlist! |
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Revolving doors series, 1926 |
I much prefer the gallery like this- with monochrome walls.
Tieto monochromatické steny sa mi páčia viac, ako tie farebné, ktoré mali na poslednej výstave.
Madagar Hand Paited Silk scarf
COS leather handbag
Leather / Fur Doc Martens
vesta je uzasna ♡