These pictures portray my every-day walking journey towards Uni. I get off the Metro at Karlaplan and walk for about 10 minutes until I reach Filmhuset, where our programme is based. The boulevard that I am taking is called Valhallavägen and it connects Karlaplan and Gärdet.
The time, when I was walking here twice every week is over, now I only have to go there a few times to discuss my Magister´s thesis with my supervisor. I am getting sentimental - time flies, don´t you think?
The day we took these pictures, the sun was shining and I realised how nice it is to wear Converse after 6 months and to see my shadow sharply. However, before my lesson was over and we went out with the camera, the sun was gone! Typisk :) Have a lovely new week! :)
Toto je moja cesta do školy. Na Karlaplane vystúpim z metra a kráčam asi 10 minút, kým neprídem k Filmhuset, kde sídli môj program. Bulvár, po ktorom idem, sa volá Valhallavägen a prepája námestie Karlaplan s veľkým parkom Gärdet.
Minulý týždeň som mala posledné prednášky a semináre, odteraz budem pracovať už len na magisterskej práci a do Filmhuset budem chodiť len sem-tam na konzultácie. Letí to, že?
V deň, kedy vznikli tieto fotky, svietilo slniečko a veľmi som sa tešila, že mám po polroku tenisky a vidím svoj tieň ostro. Ale kým mi skončila hodina, aj slnko už zašlo :D Typisk. Majte pekný nový týždeň!
ty koňo. |
I was whistling this. Vypiskovala som si toto. |
The green adverts promote Vårsalongen: an exhibition of fresh art graduates. / Tie zelené plagáty propagujú Vårsalongen - niečo ako náš prieskum. |
This is just outside Stockholms Dramatiska Högskola / Stockholm Academy of Dramatic Arts |
DIY blanket coat
COS wool scarf
Zara Sweater&Bag
Quiksilver cotton shirt
Cheap Monday Jeans
Roxy sunnies
Filmhuset combines concrete & wood. |
Valhallavägen Coordinates / Súradnice: 59° 21′ 3.7″ N, 18° 3′ 26.8″ E
ten kabátik stále veľmi obdivujem a kombinácia s teniskami je úžasná. :)
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