My first memory of Maja dates back to the early
September, our first University lesson, when we were introducing ourselves for
the first time. I remember this bohemian beauty, with her lustful voice and the
combination of Swedish and slightly American accent on her speech. She said she
has a rock´n´roll band, which intrigued me right from the start. Maja has a
soft sensual manner to all her visual expression and deepness to her thoughts
and words. After we got to know each other, I found that there is so much to
her, so I was very happy when she agreed to appear on my blog, and it is a
pleasure for me to show a little bit of her, her neverending aura and
Maju som spoznala v septembri na našej prvej spoločnej hodine, kde sme sa navzájom predstavovali ostatným. Spomínam si na ňu ako na tú bohémsku krasotinu so zmyselným hlasom a unikátnou kombináciou amerického a švédskeho prízvuku na jej angličtine. Povedala, že má rock´n´rollovú kapelu, to ma hneď zaujímalo :)
Maja má nežný vizuálny prejav a veci, čo si myslí a
vyslovuje majú hĺbku. Keď sme sa trošku lepšie spoznali, zistila som, že
Maja má tisíc záujmov a bola som veľmi rada, keď súhlasila s tým, že sa objaví
tu na mojom blogu a mne je samozrejme veľkou cťou vám ukázať ju a to jej
čaro :)
PV/ Maja, tell me more about your band.
MW/ Caviare Days
was founded about five years ago in New York. Me and my sister Lina were both
restless and felt an urge to do music, and since we decided to form a band,
everything came together quite fast. Our first three songs were recorded in
Chelsea and got a very good reception back in Sweden, which urged us to keep
working. This resulted in a full-length album and the creation of Caviare Days
as a proper live band. We are five now, and we have played together for about
three years.
The time we had in
New York was very dramatic, and some of the events that happened there are
still influencing us. In a way, our music reflects things in our lives that
cannot simply be explained through regular conversations – it's like a
half-world that thrives on a certain kind of consciousness.
PV/ Maja, povedz mi o svojej kapele.
MW/ Caviare Days sme založili asi pred piatimi rokmi v
New Yorku. Ja a moja sestra Lina sme obe cítili rovnaké pnutie - chceli
sme tvoriť hudbu. Odkedy sme sa rozhodli založiť kapelu, všetko do seba zapadlo
celkom rýchlo. Prvé skladby sme nahrali v Chelsea a zo Švédska sme dostali
veľmi dobré ohlasy, tak sme tvorili ďalej, až kým sme nevytvorili celý album a
neskôr aj Caviare Days ako poriadnu kapelu. Teraz je nás päť a hráme spolu asi
tri roky.
Čas, ktorý sme strávili v New Yorku bol dramatický a
veci, čo sa tam stali, nás vlastne ovplyvňujú dodnes. Naša hudba viacmenej
odráža veci z naších životov, ktoré by sme inak nevedeli vysvetliť, je to taký
polovičný svet, vybudovaný na určitej časti nášho vedomia.
PV/ Music and fashion is an exciting combination. Are these two reflected
upon your everyday life in correlation?
MW/ Of course! Or
at least music and clothing. On stage, you could practically wear
anything, you have complete freedom to wear outrageous pieces that you would
not necessarily have the nerve to pull of any other day. This is not saying
that it is impossible, but I normally wear hotpants on stage, so I would freeze
my butt off in winter.
There is a
correlation between our music and the way we dress, but unfortunately we
can't spend that much time on it. Although, we have plans on actually
creating the stage wear of our dreams, but that's going to need its time and
space. Until then, anything fringy or flamboyant will do, and leather is always
welcomed. We're quite carefree, really.
PV/ Hudba a móda (Maja je moja spolužiačka na Fashion Studies). Super kombinácia - odráža sa ti na každodennom živote?
MW/ Jasne, aspoň teda v zmysle hudba a oblečenie
určite. Na pódium si môžeš obliecť čokoľvek - máš úplnú voľnosť a môžeš si dať
bez hanby veci, ktoré by si si asi normálne neobliekla. Nehovorím, že by som si
nedala na ulicu tie isté veci, ktoré na pódium, ale v kraťaskoch by mi asi
teraz v zime odmrzol zadok.
Medzi hudbou a tým, čo nosíme je určitá súvislosť, ale
žiaľ nemáme dosť času na to, aby sme to riešili do hĺbky. Máme určité plány na
vytvorenie kolekcie na pódium, ale na to treba čas a priestor. Kým tá kolekcia
nevznikne, hocičo okázalé a so strapcami je super, samozrejme kožené kusy sú
tiež vždy vítané. Pravdupovediac, veľké starosti si s tým nerobíme.
PV/ After you have finished with the school, what would you love to do?
MW/ At the moment,
I am actually painting a lot and I plan to paint the whole summer. Big
canvases, bold colours. I might also use spray cans to come up with some new
expressions. I also like to write a lot, obviously song lyrics, but also longer
texts – some years ago I really wanted to write a novel. And I've helped a
friend lately to do some copywriting work. So I guess, when it comes to dream
jobs, it's going to be something... creative. As long as I live in a good place
with inspiring people, I'll be all good.
PV/ Čo by si chcela robiť, keď doštuduješ?
MW/ V poslednom čase dosť maľujem a plánujem v tom pokračovať aj v lete.
Veľké plátna, výrazné farby. Chcela by som skúsiť začať pracovať aj so sprejmi,
možno nájdem nejaké nové možnosti vyjadrenia. A aj veľa píšem, hlavne teda
skladby, ale aj dlhšie texty, pár rokov dozadu som chcela napísať román. Minule
som pomáhala kamarátke s copywritingom. Takže keď sa pýtaš na dream job, musí
to byť niečo ...kreatívne. Kým žijem na dobrom mieste a s inšpiratívnymi ľuďmi
okolo, som spokojná.![]() |
Maja lives on Södermalm, her balcony overlooks St
Paulsgatan street. / Maja žije na Södermalme, z balkóna má super výhľad na
St Paulsgatan.
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We got some Semlor in the local Café & Konditori. / Z cukrárne sme si vzali Semlor. |
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& Tried eating
them "on the way" - proven to be possible. / A skúšali sme, či sa
dajú jesť v metre (dajú).
Check out
Maja´s band Caviare Days on Spotify or Soundcloud & like their Facebook if you like!
Maja put on some me&m pieces for this story.
Majinu kapelu
Caviare Days nájdete tu na Spotify, tu na Soundcloude a tu na facebooku.
Tack så
mycket Maja *
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