piatok 15. novembra 2013

Mats Gustafson

Mats Gustafson (born 1951 in Sweden) began his career as an illustrator in the late 1970s
I was lucky to visit one of his beautiful exhibitions Fashion, Figures, Faces in the prettiest gallery Millesgården within a university trip. 
I said to myself once: If I like an exhibition, especially this much, then I am always going to buy a book in the gallery shop. This "Watercolors" one is just amazing, it contains a great variety of Gustafsons waterpaintings and what I appreciate the most about them is that they are usually single brush-stroked. His ability to express the material of the clothes he depicts is almost tangible. The book was first published in June 2013 can be bought on Amazon here.
There is a new exhibition in Milllesgården now, Mod och Modernitet (Fashion & Modernity), which I am going to have a look at (and take pictures of!) soon.
The weekend is coming, enjoy it! Anything inspirational in the galleries around you lately?

Mats Gustafson, Švédsky ilustrátor narodený v r. 1951, začal svoju kariéru v 70. rokoch, keď bola módna ilustrácia pomaly nahrádzaná fotografiou. 
Spoznala som ho, keď sme s univerzitou boli na jeho výstave Fashion, Figures, Faces v prekrásnej galérii Millesgården
Raz som si povedala, že ak sa mi páči nejaká výstava, nebudem váhať a kúpim si v galerijnom obchode publikáciu, art kníh nieje nikdy dosť. A do Gustafsona a jeho schopnosti jedným ťahom vyjadriť charakter materiálu som sa zamilovala hneď, takže s "Watercolors" som vôbec neváhala. Vydali ju v júli 2013 a dá sa kúpiť na Amazone tu.
V Millesgården je teraz nová výstava, Mod och Modernitet (Móda a Modernosť), kam sa pôjdem pozrieť (a odfotiť) čoskoro.
Ide víkend, užite si ho! Chystáte sa do nejakej galérie?

1 komentár:

  1. krásný, dík za inspiraci! :) asi bych na něj jinak vůbec nenarazila
