streda 27. novembra 2013


These pictures were made back in September, when my friend photographer Katarina was visiting to shoot me&m´s winter collection on our lovely model Sofie I mentioned earlier here and here.
The shoot was very spontaneous, we just got off the metro and started location hunting, when we came across this beautiful ship. The closer we got, the better it looked - we only later found out, that the ship is a part of National Swedish heritage. There was crew on the ship and when they saw us, they asked us if we want to get ON the ship to take some pictures there as well. A dream location indeed.
Now, I am not sure if you would be able to get on the ship itself, but if youre lucky, and the crew is on, they might allow you. I once had a true passion to all-the-things-navy, so it was great to see all different knots and ship machinery live :)
Here´s the coordinates: 59° 19' 38.16" N, 18° 4' 49.92" E

Tieto fotografie vznikli ešte v septembri, keď som mala na návšteve fotografku Katku Kri. Fotili sme spolu zimnú kolekciu me&m na Sofie, o ktorej som už hovorila tu a tu.
Fotenie bolo veľmi spontánne, vystúpili sme v centre z metra a vybrali sme sa hľadať lokácie. Mám pociť, že "lokácia" je v Štokholme všade. Postupne sme sa dostali k tejto lodi, a čím bližšie sme boli, tým krajšie to bolo, až sme sa dostali na palubu. :) Mali sme šťastie, bola na nej posádka, tak nás zavolali, aby sme šli fotiť hore. Od šarmantného kapitána sme sa dozvedeli, že loď je švédskym národným dedičstvom. Sen.
Nie som si istá, či toto bola štandardná situácia, alebo sme mali šťastie, ale skúste to keď budete v Štokholme, ak bude posádka na palube, možno vás na loď pustia :) Hlavne, ak máte vášeň pre námorníctvo, ja som sa tam vytešovala z lán a uzlov :)
Súradnice: 59° 19' 38.16" N, 18° 4' 49.92" E

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