piatok 22. novembra 2013

Telefonplan, vol. I

Volume one, because when I found myself here, as well as later, when I was doing a research on this newly-urbanised funcionalist area, I realised that there is so much to it I would like to discover further!
We found this yellow building online at first. It is actually a nursery school, called Tellus, built by Tham & Videgård Arkitekter. It's genial from the inside as well, look here
On the way there, I found myself facing all kinds of amazing sights, especially this playground on the "wooden hill", with metal rocks and some great ball slides. It might sound bizzare, but I saw kids playing there and just wished to become one of them for a few minutes (hours, really).
The place is not far from Telefonplan metro station, about 15 minutes metro-ride from T-Centralen towards Fruängen.
Weekend is coming! Enjoy! What are you planning to do? I'm going to hear Vivaldi's four seasons in electronic arrangement in Moderna Bar tonight. Can't wait.
Tellus Nursery school  Coordinates: +59° 18' 2.86" N, +17° 59' 39.19" E

Toto miesto sme našli online cez stránku architektonického štúdia Tham & Videgård, tu vo Švédsku momentálne jedného z najznámejších. Pôvodne sme sa chceli ísť pozrieť iba na túto žltú škôlku (Tellus Nursery school, je geniálna aj zvnútra, pozrite si o nej viac tu), ale Telefonplan a okolie je skvelá bývalá industriálna časť, plná funkcionalistických hranatých skvostov, ktoré sa teraz prerábajú na dizajnérske, architektonické a nábytkárske štúdiá. Paráda. Ešte sa tam vrátim, preto vol. I :)
Pri Tellus škôlke je skvelé detské ihrisko s plechovými preliezkovými skalami a šmykľavkami pre loptičky. Sen.
Dostať sa na Telefonplan je ľahké, zoberte si metro na T-Centralen a odvezte sa cca 15 minút červenou linkou smerom Fruängen.
Ide víkend! Teším sa! Aké máte plány? Ja si idem vypočuť Vivaldiho 4 Ročné Obdobia v elektronickom aranžmáne v Moderna Bare. Juchú.
Súradnice na Tellus škôlku: +59° 18' 2.86" N, +17° 59' 39.19" E


me&m detacheable bottom blazer (available here)
Madagar Hand Painted silk scarf, made by my sis 'with a sci-fi deserted landscape, yellow sky, violet mountains and an orbiting green planet with two moons.' -haha check her work here
Mango dress
Zara trousers
Roxy sunnies
Topshop boots 

3 komentáre:

  1. Paulina, tu jsi už byla? Rosendals Tradgardskafe, krásná kavárna ve skleníku na Djurgarden. http://devceuplotny.blogspot.se/2013/11/rosendals-tradgardskafe.html
