nedeľa 22. marca 2015

Trädgård på spåret

On the southernmost part of Södermalm, near Skanstull and the famous club Under Bron (which will soon open the summer terrace Trädgården - I will take you there one day), there is a garden quarter, where people have small houses with gardens. We´re still talking quite central Stockholm here. Now next to the gardens, there is a linear space, through which a train used to go. That railway is no longer in use, so an organic garden, with rental boxes was built. You can rent one box and come for regular meetings with the rest of the gardeners "to talk about earth", as I read on their webpage.
What a great way to liven up an otherwise unused space! I particularly liked the budget-friendly solutions, when it comes to the fixture of the gardens.
Coordinates: 59.306070, 18.073658


V najjužnejšej časti Södermalmu, blíízko pri Skanstulle a slávnom klube Under Bron (ktorý čoskoro otvorí svoju letnú terasu Trädgården - Raz vás tam vezmem), leži záhradkárska štvrť s malými domčekmi a záhradkami. Teraz sa rozprávame o ešte stále relatívne centrálnej oblasti. Neďaleko od záhradiek je úzky priestor, ktorý lemuje železničnú trať. Trať sa už niekoľko desiatok rokov nepoužíva a po jej obvode preto nedávno vznikli malé záhradky, kde sa dá prenajať box, v ktorom si môžete dopestovať napríklad zeleninu.
Skvelý spôsob využitia inak hluchého miesta! Skvelé sú aj nízko rozpočtové riešenia vybavenia "Záhradky na trati".
Súradnice: 59.306070, 18.073658

BACK cotton shirt & sweatshirt, wool melange skirt.
Wool mixture scarf coat.

nedeľa 8. marca 2015


Kvarnholmen is impressive when driving on a boat alongside it, as its huge brick blocks stand against the water. The area is somewhere in the middle of a renovational process at the moment, there will be a rather posh residential area here. Once here, you can take a boat (that´s part of your SL blue card) and drive to Nybroplan or to a couple more stations around the peninsula.
Today was the day when I would still wear my coat BUT finally not be cold anymore. The centre suddenly felt like Stockholm had 10 times more inhabitants, the sun makes wonders and takes everyone out in the street. Vivat springtime! :)


Kvarnholmen ma lákal vždy, keď som okolo neho prechádzala na lodičke, na okraji tohto poloostrova sa týčia majestátne tehlové budovy. V súčasnosti sa tu stavia, z tejto časti bude čoskoro veľmi lukratívna rezidenčná štvrť. Dostanete sa sem napríklad z Nybroplanu (kúsok ok Kungsträdgården) loďkou s modrou kartičkou SL.
Dnes bol ten deň, kedy sa teplota vyšplhala po snáď piatich mesiacoch nad 10 stupňov, takže stále máte na sebe kabát, ale už v ňom nieje zima, na to som čakala! :) Nech žije jar!


streda 4. marca 2015


Viking line sometimes throws in offers for free cruises to various locations, including Helsinki, Tallinn or even St. Petersburg. So, why not take a 40 hours-long round trip? Especially if the terminal is literally five minutes outside your house.
These cruises are known for wild parties and lots of duty-free promille, but for me, it was a sociological research, really. A combination of wedding-like bands and Fins in all age categories singing karaoke until early morning, all swinging together. And even three day after departing the board, you feel like the ground underneath you is moving. Fantastic! :D

The stay in Helsinki, in this case, was 6 hours, which is enough time to see Alvar Aaltos house ad studio, hang around the finnish coast in the beautiful area of Munkkiniemi and seeing the highlights you prefer. The city´s architecture is completely different to that of Stockholm. Very modern and somewhat rather spatious. I will let the pictures do rest of the talking, as they have a lot to say :)

Aalto´s house/studio coordinates: 60.196894, 24.876375

Aalto´s studio coordinates: 60.198299, 24.870159


Niekedy sa stane, že Viking line ponúka výlety loďou gratis (predpokladám že preto, aby naplnili kapacitu lode), napríklad do Helsinki (naozaj neviem posúdiť, či je ok ten názov skloňovať), Talinu alebo dokonca St. Petersburgu. Tak prečo sa nevybrať na 40-hodinový výlet tam a spať? Najmä, ak máte terminál doslova päť minút od domu.
Tieto výlety loďou sú preslávené šialenými žúrmi a množstvom duty-free promile. Ja som to brala ako sociologický prieskum, alebo ako rada hovorím, Antropoo (to je niečo ako Zoo ale s ľuďmi haha). Na palube hrala typicky svadobná kapela a rozjarení Fíni všetkých vekových kategórií spievali karaoke skladieb od lokálnej Mázikovej. Závrate na všetkych úroviach, najmä ale z vĺn na otvorenom mori.

Takýto výlet loďou poskytuje 6 hodín na prehliadku mesta, čo stačí na to, aby ste si pozreli dom a štúdio Alvara Aalta, pomotali sa po pobreží v krásnej štvrti Munkkiniemi a pozreli si dalšie destinácie podľa vkusu a preferencií. Architektov a ich fanúšikov bude baviť celé mesto, moderné a zvláštnym spôsobom priestranné. Dorozprávať nechám fotky, ktoré som nemala to srdce viac triediť.

Dom Alvara Aalta, súradnice: 60.198299, 24.870159
Štúdio Alvara Aalta, súradnice: 60.196894, 24.876375

Studio Aalto´s main atelier

Exterior wall of the main atelier

Iconic lamps & lamp probes

Model of Essen (DE) concert hall, finished after Aalto´s death.

Aalto´s fan leg stool

Outwards-tilted display wall provides daylight from above.

Aalto´s signature designs. It´s not only Alvar himself, who did the product ý furniture displayed, but also the two of his wives; Aino & Elissa.

Aalto´s house. This is the part, where he had his studio before the exponetial growth in request for his work outgrew the space and his studio moved to larger premises.

Finlandia hall, congress & concert centre designed by Aalto and finished 1971.

Look at the lightning and the soft round lines, significant elements present in all his designs.

R2D2´s kin
Helsinki train station.

Temppeliaukio Church