nedeľa 8. marca 2015


Kvarnholmen is impressive when driving on a boat alongside it, as its huge brick blocks stand against the water. The area is somewhere in the middle of a renovational process at the moment, there will be a rather posh residential area here. Once here, you can take a boat (that´s part of your SL blue card) and drive to Nybroplan or to a couple more stations around the peninsula.
Today was the day when I would still wear my coat BUT finally not be cold anymore. The centre suddenly felt like Stockholm had 10 times more inhabitants, the sun makes wonders and takes everyone out in the street. Vivat springtime! :)


Kvarnholmen ma lákal vždy, keď som okolo neho prechádzala na lodičke, na okraji tohto poloostrova sa týčia majestátne tehlové budovy. V súčasnosti sa tu stavia, z tejto časti bude čoskoro veľmi lukratívna rezidenčná štvrť. Dostanete sa sem napríklad z Nybroplanu (kúsok ok Kungsträdgården) loďkou s modrou kartičkou SL.
Dnes bol ten deň, kedy sa teplota vyšplhala po snáď piatich mesiacoch nad 10 stupňov, takže stále máte na sebe kabát, ale už v ňom nieje zima, na to som čakala! :) Nech žije jar!


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