Tegelviksgatan is a street, running across the eastern part of Stockholm´s Södermalm, where I live at this moment. Something was on that day, connected to those veteran cars, as they were driving around in circles. Around Tegelviksgatan, there is an ex-textile producing factory (which is currently an English school), and an old Transport museum, whose demolition is currently discussed. To me, it seems a shame, as the building is beautiful, however this part of the town is very attractive and the town planners seem to think that the space would be more useful as a housing area.
Approximate coordinates: 59° 18′ 16.42″ N, 18° 5′ 27.76″ E
Tegelviksgatan je ulica, prechádzajúca cez východnú časť štokholmského Södermalmu, kde momentálne bývam. V ten deň sa v okolí niečo dialo; po uliciach prechádzalo veľa týchto krásnych veteránov.
V blízkosti Tegelviksgatan je stará továreň na oblečenie (z ktorej sa neskôr stala anglická škola) a staré múzeum transportu a autobbusové depo, ktorému pravdepodobne čoskoro odzvoní a nahradia ho obytnými blokmi, ktoré sú podľa územných plánovačov viac potrebné, najmä v tejto atraktívnej časti mesta.
Približné súradnice: 59° 18′ 16.42″ N, 18° 5′ 27.76″ E
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The picture above and this one (left hand side) portrays the Transport museum and bus depot. |
all BACK everything: wool coat, cotton sweatshirt, beanie with reflective patch, wool melange knot skirt and lacquer shopper bag.
Acne leather shoes.