piatok 14. februára 2014

Stockholm Furniture Fair & Northern Light Fair

Furniture & Light fair is a joint event, taking place during the Stockholm Design Week, this year carried out between 4th and 8th February.
During that week, design firms organise networking events throughout the town; exhibition openings, press conferences, showroom presentations, luncheons, coctail parties et cetera.
Last Saturday, I went to take a look at the light & furniture goods by Northern Europe´s producers on the fair at Stockholmsmässan, a large yet very sofisticated exhibition space in Älvsjö.

Veľtrh nábytku s svietidiel sa v Štokholme každoročne odohráva počas štokholmského Design Weeku, tento rok medzi štvrtým a ôsmym februárom.
Počas tohto týždňa sa po celom meste organizovali networkingové akcie; vernisáže, tlačovky, coctail party, obedy a dni otvorených dverí showroomov nábytkárskych, interiérových a svietidlových firiem.
Minulú sobotu som bola inšpirovať sa na veľtrhu v obrovskom, ale sofistikovanom výstavnom priestore Stockholmsmässan v Älvsjö.

The designers seem to tend to use lots the classical materials, such as metal, wood & glass, however, often in unexpected contingencies with progressive textiles.

Na veľthru bolo vidieť najmä tradičné materiály; kov, drevo a sklo, častokrát ale v nevídaných súvislostiach so zaujímavými, progresívnymi textíliami.

Materia installation.

Home textile installation by kvadrat
Japanese design within the "Material attraction - Scandinavia likes Japan"

DE STEEL series of chairs by Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture
Wood workshop at the Greenshouse section
2014 Guest of Honour installation by GamFratesi


me&m Slitback Blouse
concrete pendant
COS wooly scarf & leather bag

Stockholmsmässan coordinates / Súradnice: 59° 16′ 40″ N, 18° 0′ 56″ E

One more interior inspirational tip: Swedese

3 komentáre:

  1. Potrebujem ten luster z prvej foto <3 <3 :D

  2. Ja by som sa chcela opýtať, kde zoženiem náhrdelník-kocku :)

    1. :) tu http://www.cosstores.com/gb/Shop/Women/Jewellery/Concrete_pendant_necklace/10672540-8559409.1#12316978
