It's been a busy week & I managed to gather some stuff to write about in the following week and actually, at this very instance, I am waiting for my sour dough to rise, so obviously a new Swedish traditional treat recipe is coming soon, too :)
I was permitted to share these pictures, they were taken while I was still at home in Bratislava and originally, they were created for the Czech portal Fashion MAP (their web & their facebook) as a presentation for me&m. If you wish the read the whole interview / article, it is available here.
I was contacted by a friend of mine, ever so positive and delightful Zuzka from red poppy stories, who did the styling and I was so happy that I decided to stay just that one extra day in Bratislava, because originally I was meant to be back in Stockholm by the time the pictures were taken, so the whole thing wouldnt have happened.
I was also very happy that it will be my favourite photographer Katarina Kri, who will be behind the camera and that our model will be Greta, magical being with an incredible French charm.
We took the pictures in Zuzka's home, so it just made the experience that bit nicer. Enjoy the rest of your weekend! :)
Posledný týždeň bol vyčerpávajúci, ale podarilo sa mi nazbierať zaujímavé veci, o ktoré sa budem postupne deliť. A inak, práve čakám, kým mi vykysne cesto, takže bude aj recept - ďalší tradičný švédsky :)
Bolo mi dovolené podeliť sa o tieto obrázky, ktoré vznikli, keď som bola v Bratislave a pôvodne boli vytvorené pre portál Fashion MAP (web, facebook) na prezentáciu me&m. Ak by ste si chceli prečítať článok / rozhovor, nájdete ho tu :)
Na začiatku ma oslovilo slniečko Zuzka z red poppy stories, ktorá zároveň robila styling a mala som šťastie, že som ostala o pár dní dlhšie v Bratislave, lebo pôvodne som v tom čase mala byť už v Štokholme, takže by sa tento deň vôbec neodohral takto a to by bola škoda.
Veľmi som sa tešila, že za objektívom bude stáť moja najobľúbenejšia fotografka Katka Kri a že modelku nám bude robiť Grétka, neuveriteľná to bytosť s francúzskym šarmom.
Fotili sme u Zuzky doma, takže o to príjemnejšie.
Krásny víkend!
I find that this song goes well with the picture
Zdá sa mi, že k fotkám sa hodí táto skladba
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Long blouse, available here |
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Warm vest, available here |
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Wool & Cashmere dress, available here |
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Faux Fur Scarf, available here |
Grétka is wearing some pieces from the new collection, that will be out around the summer, combined with some pieces, that we created earlier.
Niektoré z kusov, ktoré má Grétka sú súčasťou novej kolekcie, niektoré sme s mamou vytvorili dávnejšie.
Stay in touch with Katka via her facebook or instagram. / Katkin instagram a facebook.
krasne ciste linie :) velmi pekna kolekcia!
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