piatok 30. mája 2014

The Gradient Sky

   Today was the day of the gradient skies. In the morning, I saw the most exclusive rich blue sky, a sky-blue as it should be, then during the day the clouds merged to make a pinkish-orange theatre, as I haven´t seen for quite a while. Maybe it´s mainly because my view had cleared yesterday, as I handed in my thesis. 
   For the past two months, I have been documenting my research of timelessness in fashion. My supervisor, the first Dr. in Fashion Studies in the world, Philip Warkander pointed out right after I presented what I plan to research, that there is no such thing as a timeless garment (if you want to interpret fashion as actual garments, which, in the case of my thesis, decided to do - by which I was opposing most of fashion scholars). 
   Glossy mags may be full of tips for the must-have, timeless, staple pieces, that will never go out of fashion. But, when exacly did they come to fashion, if they can´t get out of it? They couldn´t just appear out of void. And, honestly, do you think you will ever be able to truly mark anything as timeless? That you would really wear it until the end of your days? And, talking timeless - until everyone´s days? Quite a question. Eventually, I had to skip the word timeless completely, as the fashion academia would not let such expression to be used in a scholarly material. It is an empty word, expressing something, that no-one can really describe, except on some philosophers, who tried to guess.
   In my thesis, I was rather researching the contemporary relationship between fashion and time, while the focus was on the phenomenon of slow fashion. This phenomenon is, to some extent, opposing the traditional system within the fashion industry. Slow fashion proposes a challenge not only to the fast-paced system, but to the overall idea that fashion´s main driving force is the change in time, made apparent in the collection changes according to seasons. I was examining the principles of slow fashion upon examples of six Swedish brands, who are attempting to negotiate the importance of time as fashion´s driving force and to elongate the lifespan of the garments in various ways. Whether by using superb quality, durable materials; designing garments, that are not influenced by passing trends or taking practical steps to prove, that the garments produced have the potential to outlast the wearer. I was also looking at the impact on consumers and how can they contribute to elongating the lifespan of garments. The ooutcomes of the research are quite interesting :)
   The topic is really complex and the biggest challenge was to fit a comprehensible text onto forty pages, actually :)
   I have my defence on Monday and Tuesday, and I will have to prove, that my ideas are feasible for the academia, and when I am done with it, I will be able to apply them to my future projects. Happy happy :)

BACK velcro dress
& Other stories leather clutch with Madagar silk scarf

nedeľa 25. mája 2014


Råsundavägen, the large and long street, that crosses the municipality of Solna, is the street, where I live. The street leads from the train station Solna, up to Filmstaden and then a further bit higher to Gamla Råsunda, where there used to be a large hockey arena.
The summer has finally come to Stockholm and everyone wishes, it would be like his until at least half of October. But let´s see! :)  Anyway, the great part is, that it is light until about 23.00, then the sunb goes down for a while and it comes out again before you know it.
My Magister´s thesis is due this wednesday, plus at work, we have a campaign to install tomorrow, so I am kind of busy and dont have the time to do exciting posts :)
But after next week, I am planning to fix up a shopping guide for Stockholm, would that be something you want to see? :)
Coordinates: 59° 21′ 53.8″ N, 18° 0′ 29.5″ E


Råsundavägen je ulica, ktorá križuje oblasť Solna a je to ulica, kde aj bývam. Vedie od vlakovej stanice Solna hore k Filmstaden a potom ešte vyššie do Gamla (stará) Råsunda, preslávená hlavne obrovskou hokejovou arénou.
Do Štokolmu prišlo po krátkej jari rovno leto a každý si praje, aby takto teplo zostalo aspoň do polovice októbra. No uvidíme! Ale skvelé je, že naozaj dlho svetlo, kľudne aj do jedenástej, potom sa na chvíľu zotmie a kým si o človek stihne uvedomiť, zase je svetlo.
V stredu odovzdávam diplomovku (takže prosím držte palce), plus robíme pre BACK kampaň, ktorú budem začiatkom týždňa ešte inštalovať (ako inak tam pôjdem na skejte-mám nové kolieska s ktorými ide ten skate sám), takže mám pramálo času na tvorbu zaujímavejších postov. Ale po tomto týždni, rozmýšľala som,  lebo z práce často chodím do obchodov s lokálnym dizajnom a je ich veľa krásnych. Boli by také posty pre vás zaujímavé?
Súradnice: 59° 21′ 53.8″ N, 18° 0′ 29.5″ E


me&m 3in1 blouse and bandeau
really old DC jeans (maybe 9 years old)
Birkenstock Madrid

štvrtok 22. mája 2014

Nynäshamn, vol.II

Volume II, as volume I is here!
When Zuzka and her b/f visited, we went to this nice Stokholm´s outskirt. Originally we planned to go to Nynäs Rökeri, a shop with the best smoked fish, that you can eat on their lovely terrace. But they´re closed on Sundays! So we took a skateboardy-walk and had waffles instead :)


Vol. II, lebo I je tu :)
Keď bola Zuzka s frajerom na návšteve, išli sme do Nynäs na prechádzku, aby sme si dali najlepšie údené rybky v meste v Nynäs Rökeri (údia ich priamo tam) na teraske. Ale v nedeľu majú zatvorené (!), tak sme šli na skejtovú prechádzku a dali sme si vafle :)


sobota 17. mája 2014

Gamla Filmstaden

Solna, a municipality, that is geographically part of Stockholm, but administratively independent, is the place, where I live. It is very different from street to street, and at the end of Råsundavägen street, there lies this amazing spot, Filmstaden. It was built between 1919 and 1920 and back at its time, it used to be one of the most modern film studios in Europe. Today, some independent studios found their home at Filmstaden, and there is still a cinema in use there. Filmstaden used to be much larger, however, at the beginning of 21st century, it had to yeald some of its space to urban development taking place around.
Around Filmstaden, there are cafés and bistros, so if you find yourself in the area, maybe it would be nice to go for fika at Ingmar Bergman´s torg (square) :)
Filmstaden coordinates: 59° 22′ 1″ N, 17° 58′ 54″ E


Solna, územnosprávna jednotka, ktorá je geograficky časťou Štokholmu, ale administratívne nezávislá je časť, v ktorej teraz žijem. Solna je rozmanitá, záleží na ulici, kde sa ocitnete. Na konci ulice Råsundavägen leží toto krásne miesto, Filmstaden. Filmstaden bol postavený medzi 1919 a 1920 a bolo jedným z najmodernejších európskych filmových štúdií svojho času, natočilo sa tu asi 400 filmov. Vtedy bol Filmstaden omnoho väčší, ale na začiatku 21. storočia sa časť budov podvolila rezidenčnej výstavbe v okolí.  Filmstaden sa stal domovom pre niekoľko menších nezávislých štúdií a je tu stále aj celkom populárne kino. Okrem toho sú v okolí kaviarne a bistrá so skvelou atmosférou, takže keď budete niekedy v okolí, odporúčam kafe na námestí Ingmara Bergmana :)
Súradnice na Filmstaden: 59° 22′ 1″ N, 17° 58′ 54″ E

COS leather bag, & Other Stories all leather shoes

nedeľa 11. mája 2014

Norr Mälarstrand

Stockholm seems like it´s neverending, but I guess it´s the same with every "new" city you find yourself in. The more places in the town you get to, the more niceness (is that a word?) you see.
Lately, I have been seeing a lot of my sofa and computer screen, hell lot of books and articles and a lot of Karlberg-Solna train. Busy time! I have recently started an internship and also, in a few weeks, there´s a deadline for my thesis. Moreover, the weather has been like what you see on the pictures, so one doesn´t really feel like hanging around outside so much, so that´s why the gap in posts appeared.
However, I did come across a really poetic neighborhood the other day and I wanted to show you: these are Norr Mälarstrand and Sankt Eriksgatan in Kungsholmen. The air was nicely fresh today, and it smelled of trees in bloom.
N.M. coordinates: 59° 19′ 38″ N, 18° 2′ 18″ E


Štokholm sa mi zdá nekonečný. Stále sa objavuje niečo nové, ale tak tomu asi je s každým "novým" mestom. Čím viac človek objavuje, tým viac nového vidí.
Ja som v poslednom čase videla hlavne obrazovku svojho počítača, knižky a články a vlak zo Solny do Karlbergu a späť (jedna dvojminútová zastávka). Začala som needávno stážovať a mám deadline na magistesrskú prácu za dva týždne. Navyše, posledné dva týždne veľmi často prší, takže človeku sa ani tak veľmi nechce byť vonku - preto tá prestávka s postami.
Ale pred pár dňami som sa ocitla v tejto krásnej časti Kungsholmen, ktorú som vám chcela ukázať. Toto konkrétne je Sankt Eriksgatan, kolmá na Nor Mälarstrand. Dnes voňal vzduch po daždi a kvitnúcich stromoch.
Súradnice na N.M.: 59° 19′ 38″ N, 18° 2′ 18″ E


COS cotton pants & leather bag
BACK piercing huge pearl ring