Five levels of Metro platforms, attached train station, shops, more shops, fast food restaurants, supermarket and yet more shops. Thanks to its size, importance, connectivity and position, T-Centralen is probably the most famous station in Stockholm. On the very bottom platform, there is this massive spectacular blue art piece. Katarina shot me&m´s waterproof raincoat here on our gorgeous Sofie. It was hard to catch T-Centralen out of its peak hour (its always so busy!), and we didnt really manage not to have people around, but we thought it was amazing :) I go through T-Centralen pretty much every daily, along with another 200 000 people.
Coordinates: 59° 19′ 54″ N, 18° 3′ 39″ E
Päť podlaží, na každom dve nástupištia, pripojená vlaková stanica, obchody, ďalšie obchody, fast-food, banka, obchody s topánkami, obchody s oblečením, supermarket et cetera. Všetko pekne pod zemou na T-Centralen. T-Centralen pre Štokholm znamená niečo také, ako by pre Bratislavu znamenala spojená vlaková, autobusová stanica + Zochova + Trnavské Mýto a Patrónka.
Keď zídete eskalátorom na najnižšie poschodie, ocitnete sa v tejto modrej nádhere - asi najznámejšej zo štokholmských staníc. My s Katkou sme tam nafotili Sofie a dážďovku, medzi ľuďmi, inak sa nedalo :) Denne ich tadiaľ vraj prejde 200 000, ja medzi nimi :)
T- Centralen súradnice: 59° 19′ 54″ N, 18° 3′ 39″ E
Sofie is wearing me&m rainproof jacket (available here), Mango jeans, Hunter wellies, COS shirt.