Maybe it´s because I´m longing to ride my skateboard, that waits for its time next to my desk at work, maybe it´s this song (and video!) that I keep listening to/watching, and maybe it´s my lovely colleague Sofia´s work (especially this one) that brought me into this skatepark today. I think it looks fantastic with the snow over it, only, I found it terrifying getting inside, as I couldn´t really see a way out.
If I´d ever make an editorial for me&m again, it would be in such pools, in a very early spring morning.
There´s not much else but grey showing in this blog at the moment, so I felt like adding a bit of green. Last time I was home, my mum gave me a 30-year old stalk and roots of Monstera, that was on the staircase. I planted it and here comes a youngling! I find that the fresh green color (plus Vitamin D pills) are things, that make the long winter a bit more lively.
Högdalen skate park coordinates: 59.260545, 18.040572
Možno je to pre to, že každý deň sa ukradomky pozerám na skejt, ktorý čaká na svoj čas v práci pod stolom, možno pre tento song (a video) ktoré pozerám s vysokou frekvenciou, a možno pre tieto krásne ilustrácie mojej kamarátky Sofie, že som mala chuť ísť sa pozrieť na tento skate park v Högdalen-e.
à, uchytila sa! Tieto florálne excitácie a vitamín D sú v dlhej zime veľmi nápomocné :)
Súradnice Högdalen skate parku: 59.260545, 18.040572
Súradnice Högdalen skate parku: 59.260545, 18.040572